May 12, 2020

It’s Your Ship – Book Summary

One of my favorite books…

Book: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy – It’s Your Ship

Author: Captain D Michael Abrashoff

The book contains practical lessons from his experience of transforming the USS Benfold, previously one of the worst performing ships in the US Navy.  His management techniques provide a unique collection of best practice, which can be used with as much success in the business world as they have had in the military. Whether it is Armed Forces or the Organisations, all leaders face common challenge of getting the most out of the crews (Employees). This depends upon the three variables – The Leader’s needs, The organisation’s atmosphere, and the crew’s potential competence. This is where the book provides the leadership examples of overcoming through 11 practices of leadership tested at Benfold. Leadership lies in simple things – common-sense actions that ensure high morale and increase the odds of winning.  Leaders must be willing to put the ship’s performance ahead of their egos.

Chapter I – Take Command

Top reasons for people quitting the organisations  | Not being treated with Respect or dignity | Prevented from making an impact on the organisation | Not being listened | Not being rewarded with more responsibility and compensation is the fifth reason for quitting.


Chapter II – Lead by Example


Chapter III – Listen Aggressively


Chapter IV – Communicate purpose with Meaning


Chapter V – Create a climate of Trust


Chapter VI – Look for Results not Salutes


Chapter VII – Take Calculated Risks


Chapter VIII – Go beyond Standard operating Procedure


–          Innovation and progress are achieved only by those who venture beyond Standard operating procedure.

Chapter IX – Build up your people


Chapter X – Generate Unity


Chapter XI – Improve your people’s Quality of Life